Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My favorite students

Okay, maybe I'm not supposed to have "favorites" - but come on, is that really possible. Some of my favorite students are the ones that hardly speak any English. Why you ask. It's because in attempt to "speak" English they end up using Korean, an English word here and there, and lots of hand motions, sound effects, and grunts. When they do this, I can't help but to laugh. Perhaps laughing at my students is a bad thing, but if you were there you would understand that it's just so cute and hilarious that you have to laugh. And the fact that all of the other students are laughing too. I have one student who, whenever I ask a question, raises his hand really high and says, "Teacher, I know!" And then proceeds to speak in Korean with the aforementioned grunts. It is frustrating sometimes, but I much prefer these students to the ones who sit in silence and say absolutely nothing.

Don't get me wrong, I also adore the students that can speak English and voluntarily answer questions, pay attention and read when they're asked. One boy, Fred (his English name), is probably my absolute favorite. He's super cute with cheeks I just want to pinch, he always wears a Boston Red Sox hat, and he is really smart. He always answers my questions. I'm surprised that all the girls in his class don't have a huge crush on him - but then again maybe they do.


kathryn said...

The girls don't have a crush on him because his hat is red and not white.

Genny said...

OH Corinna, I am soo happy for your great experiences! Way to cherish your days in a far off land! I love the Korea stories! You seem very happy and that makes me happy :)

Kate said...

Seriously Corinna! You do some of the coolest things! How I envy you and the memories that you're making. ;)