Wednesday, November 3, 2010


For Halloween I went to a small party, where there was a ton of really good homemade food, music, a costume contest, and some games. Sadly I did not win the costume contest - I went as a Newsie but not may people got it. It was the best I could come up with last minute and in Korea. But my team did win at Taboo. It was fun times. Then Amber, Robyn, and I went dancing of course, where we saw more costumes ans stayed out way too late.

Me and Amber at the party.

The singles at the party: Brooke the cat, Robyn the race car driver, me the newsie, and Amber the sexy cat.

The trio outside the club Monkey Beach. Sadly there are no monkeys and no beach, but a lot of fun. This was bittersweet as it was Amber last weekend in Korea :(

P.S. sadly I have not seen the flyer guy again. My days are now emptier.

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