Thursday, August 19, 2010

Why I'm a Cool Teacher

I've had a conversation class with three students for the past month. These students, Kyung-Yup, Yeon-Seo, and Yu-Jung, were all very, very quiet. It was supposed to be a conversation class but it mostly turned in to me asking question after question in an attempt to make them talk. The thing is, they all had really good English - they just were shy or had no desire to speak. And this class was two hours a day, twice a week. So you can imagine me wracking my brain for new topics and questions to ask them. I usually ended the class playing some sort of English game, to give myself and them a reprieve.

Well, today was the last class with them, because it was just a summer session. I pretty much felt fresh out of ideas when it came to a game. So.... I taught them how to play Go Fish. I maintain that this is still an English game because they had to ask for cards in English and say "go fish". For some reason Yeon-Seo thought saying "go fish" was really, really funny and giggled every time she said it. I asked her if she took laughing pills, which may have only confused her.

But the real reason I'm a cool teacher is because at the very end of class I taught them all how to shuffle. And they all did it. This will come in handy for their future poker tournaments.

Yes ... I'm the best teacher ever.

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