Monday, August 9, 2010

This and that

On Saturday I had my first writer's group meeting with Denice and Christina. This will be really good for motivation, because we all know that's something I lack. We've dubbed ourselves "Write On!" (this was my idea, so everyone can blame me for the cheesiness). Seeing as how it's monsoon season, I waded through puddles and sauna like air to get there. But it was a good first meeting, so here's to motivation and Write On!

Later that day I went to lunch with Erin, Jessica, and our new friend Young Soo. Apparently Young Soo has been in our church branch for 4 months, but said he was too shy to talk to anyone. We quickly broke him of that. He's a pretty funny guy, even when he's not trying to be. This is what we found out about him - his favorite food is a sandwich, his favorite ice cream is vanilla with nothing in it, he got his master's degree in Wales, and he's really, really ticklish. We found other stuff too, but for time's sake I won't go on. I told him he wasn't allowed to sit in the back of church anymore, and he stuck by his word. New friends are a grand thing.


Genny said...

hurray for friends! and tickles. tee hee.

Travel_Chic said...

What about Saturday night.....

kathryn said...

Write On! Writers' groups are almost as good as new friends.