Monday, August 23, 2010

Lions and tigers and bears, OH MY!

And giraffes, and rhinos, and monkeys, and even skunks, raccoons, and armadillos. All at the Seoul Grand Park Zoo - which was huge. So huge in fact we got to ride a ski lift to the top and then walk down. It was hot, and humid, but also a blast. When you're with friends it's always a good time.

Amber and Gina (and Erin in the background)

Cindy G. and Jess

Me and Ben

Young Soo on the ski lift.

Mike and Cindy F.

The whole group after the dolphin show. Our photographer cut off the dolphins' heads :(

And Giraffes!!!


kathryn said...

I love giraffes! Makes me want to go to the zoo this weekend. Maybe I will.

Travel_Chic said...

I made the blog?! I am famous now!!