Friday, August 13, 2010

Student quotes of the week

It's Friday the 13th, and it sure feels like it too. I couldn't sleep well last night so I came to work exhausted and, I'll admit, grumpy. My students did nothing to help the matter. Because it's Friday they want to be here even less than I do. Thankfully, the day is almost over.

On a bright note there were some humorous student quotes of the week.

Me: If you could meet a famous person, who would you want to meet?
Boy: Optimus Prime

Me: I went to visit my friend.
Girl: You have friends? (the whole class erupts in laughter)
Me: Yes, I have friends.
Girl: I mean here, in Korea.
Me: Yes, even here in Korea.

Me: How was your vacation?
Girl: Dirty.

1 comment:

celeste'sblog said...

People ask me that all the time, "You have friends? Here? In the states?"

My response:

"Oh, here, in the states. No. My only friend is half-way across the world right now."

Ha, ha. I'm so funny!!!! Love you!

(P.S. In case you missed it on FB, I got your postcard!!!! Thanks.)