This event got me pondering certain things. I live in a city of 11 million people, and even though I stick out I still feel insignificant sometimes. It can be crazy and chaotic here. There is pushing and shoving (they do that a lot here). It can also feel monotonous, especially at my job like I am a drone along with the other millions of workers. I wonder sometimes if I'm really doing any good - am I really helping these kids or teaching them anything? But after reading things that people had written to Scott, I realize that it doesn't much matter if you do something extraordinary with your life as long as you live it to the fullest and are kind to the people around you. Sometimes kindness is hard (especially in a city of 11 million people and when you work with junior high kids ;), but it is important.
Also, I try to take time to appreciate the little happinesses around me. I can get overwhelmed with all the tall buildings, mass amounts of people, and lessons I have to plan so looking for the little things keeps me grounded. Like seeing little kids hold hands or the 70-year-old man playing a game on his cell phone on the metro. Note: old dogs CAN learn new tricks. Like giving my students high fives and hearing them oh and ah over videos of volcanoes that I show them. Like hearing one of my students tell me to stay a long time because I'm a cool teacher. Like appreciating the green trees and flowers that I see. These things bring a smile to my face. Thanks Scott...
I'd totally write on your wall if you died. Might sound a little odd, but the truth is, you've touched my life too. Never think your insignificant, because a lot of people would really miss you if you were gone!
:-(, :-(
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