Tuesday, June 1, 2010

All American Pastime

Baseball! In Korea... That's right folks, baseball is pretty popular here. There are two stadiums in Seoul, and about eight professional teams across Korea. We went to Mok-Dong Stadium to watch the Nexen Heroes and the LG Twins. The stadium wasn't that big, but it was a lot of fun. The game was exciting - it even went into extra innings because the Heroes tied it up in the bottom of the ninth. We were rooting for the Heroes because they were the home team, but they eventually lost. I'm starting to see a pattern, that who I root for ends up losing. It happened with professional volleyball and now baseball. Poor guys.

Up at bat

On first base

Korean fans. They all have these blow-up noise makers and they can get really loud. But that was part of the fun.

Famous Korean girl - her name is UEE. She's in a singing group and is an actress too. I found out her dad is the coach for the Heroes so she's the spokesperson for them.

1 comment:

Genny said...

ha-- we just went to a baseball game too!

btw-- batchimeg now has a blog! It's www.batchimege.blogspot.com