Monday, April 19, 2010


A couple days ago my refrigerator starting making this weird gurgling noise, almost like someone's stomach growling. Truth to tell, my refrigerator is probably hungry - there's not much in it.

Last night the noise changed to a poing-poing sound, like someone jumping on a pogo stick in a puddle. Maybe I should be concerned?

And yet it only does it at night, when I'm trying to sleep. Suspicious...

There is also a cat outside my window (again only at night) that is either being murdered every night, or is in desperate need of company of the opposite sex. I would like to put this cat out of its misery, but I'm too lazy to go find it.


Kate said...

I had to laugh after reading your entry 'cause it reminded me of an episode from Seinfeld. The one where Elaine has a dog barking outside her bedroom window all night long and she finally goes insane and screams to the dog " SHUT UPPPPPPP!" But in your have the dying or lonely cat.

I wouldn't recommend you screaming at it though.....that might scare off your neighbors. ;) haha

Travel_Chic said...

So....I can't sleep because there are dudes outside halking loogies....mmmm delicious!