Friday, January 30, 2009

Tag Back

Well, since Kathryn tagged me to do this, I thought I'd play along, but I'm not going to tag anyone. If you want to do it cool, if not that's fine too. And this will be interesting to think of 25 random things about me.

1. I have been to ten other countries, which are: Scotland, England, Belgium, France, Switzerland, Italy, Russia, Armenia, China, and South Korea. But I'm from Northern California and have never been to Canada, Mexico, or Yosemite.

2. When I was on a study abroad in Russia I and two friends got locked in the dining car of a train with the two drunk attendants. I elbowed one in the stomach when she grabbed me. Luckily, someone opened the door from the other side soon after that.

3. When I'm full I'll rub my tummy in a circular motion and say, "Buddha, Buddha, Buddha." Don't ask me why.

4. I've had aspirations to be a singer, actress, dancer, and artist. All of these things I do moderately well, but I've decided not well enough to make me famous.

5. One of my pet peeves is when people change lanes and leave their blinker on. Hello people, you turned it on two seconds ago, now turn it off!

6. I love seeing musicals on stage, and I have a goal to own all of the musical soundtracks I've seen live. Musicals I've seen live are: Phantom of the Opera, 42nd Street, Cabaret, Hairspray, Momma Mia, Les Miserables, Guys and Dolls, Wicked, 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, Legally Blonde, Rock of Ages, and 13. Soon to be added to the list are Ragtime and Rent, which I'm seeing this summer - and probably a couple of others.

7. I know how to say 'I love you' in six other languages which are: French, German, Russian, Korean, Chinese, and Spanish. I also know how to say "You're lips are like a fountain of water, and I'm thirsty," in Spanish. I figure it's an important phrase to know.

8. After reading My Most Excellent Year, I became interested in Mary Poppins the movie because it refers to it a lot. I now know random facts like Julie Andrews was pregnant when they offered her the role so they waited until after she had the baby to shoot, Dick Van Dyke didn't audition for the part of Bert but he had to audition for the role of the old guy in the bank, and a lot of the nannies standing in line to get interviewed are actually men in drag.

9. I'm athletic but also a total klutz. I can't play a game of basketball without falling down at least three times, I always trip going up stairs, and I always run into walls and corners, which isn't very good for my watches.

10. I'm a super slow texter. It takes me forever - but I think I'm getting better.

11. I don't have my tonsils. I got them removed when I was six, and I got to eat soft foods like pudding, for a week.

12. I'm the least flexible person I know (at least for a girl). I can't even touch my toes, but I blame it on the fact that I'm 6'0" - I don't really take into account that I also have long arms.

13. Sometimes I try to me ultra cool and I'll start saying things like yo, hommie, and s'up. And then I realize I'm totally lame.

14. My cousin once asked me if I was part black when he saw me dance. Apparently I have some skills in that area of my life.

15. I can only eat Jiff or Skippy peanut butter, but preferably Jiff. I don't like the generic store brand kinds. I call myself a peanut butter snob. I've converted my roommate, Celeste, to it. You should join the dark side too.

16. I like to name my cars. In high school I had a Jeep pickup that I called Jeepers (I know, real original). In college I had a 1986 AMC Eagle and it's name was Shaggy or The Beast. For some reason I haven't named my current car. It's a 1998 Dodge Neon, and it's purple. Any suggestions?

17. When I watch movies by myself, I tend to fast forward through parts that I think are boring even when I've never even seen it before. I figure it just needs to get on with it.

18. I spent a summer on my Uncle's pig farm in Missouri when I was 15. I'm now writing a young adult novel using some of my experiences, although the story is fictional.

19. I read books out loud with my roommate, Kathryn. I like doing this and it makes me think that if I ever become an author and go on a book tour, my favorite part will be doing book readings of my work.

20. I've lived in five different states: California, Idaho, Colorado, Montana, and Virginia.

21. I broke my pinkie my sophomore year of college playing Ultimate Frisbee. I ran into my roommate and my hand slammed into her hip bone. An interesting way to break a finger. It's still crooked and it hurts when it's cold.

22. I claim that I've never dyed my hair, but that's a half truth. My freshman year of college my friend put blond highlights in my hair, but they were so light you couldn't even really tell. So I'll still claim that I've never dyed my hair.

23. Another of my pet peeves is when you ask for someone on the phone and he/she will respond, "This is her/him." It's supposed to be, "This is she/he." Incorrect grammar gets on my nerves.

24. I'm addicted to YouTube. I love it, probably too much. And I get frustrated when I can't find something on YouTube that I want to watch.

25. I like to think of myself as an interesting person, but trying to come up with 25 random things about myself made my head hurt.


celeste'sblog said...

I've totally joined the dark side. I'll have Kevin join too. He won't have a choice.

Oh and I love ... Canada, Mexico or Yosemite. It's like out of the country, out of the country, practically my back yard. I know this doesn't make any sense, but trust me-it does in my head. Plus it's like 1:30 in the morning.

Kate said...
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Kate said...

Ahh, the memories of our russia trip. I still have the story that you wrote about the crazy russian train trip. I remember when you guys came running into our compartment telling us about it after it happened. *sigh* good times....

I didn't realize that you've been to so many places. I'm jealous. One day I'll get to travel more. ;)