Monday, January 19, 2009

My Top Five Hollywood Hotties

Hugh Jackman - Really, do I need to explain why? He's gorgeous and funny, a dedicated family man, and he can sing! And if you've seen him riding a horse bearing a whip and covered in dirt or pouring water from a bucket all over himself, you'll understand my infatuation. And if you haven't, you should check out Australia. And the Australian accent is pretty hot too.

Daniel Craig - The most manly James Bond so far. He's got beautiful blue eyes, and every guy wishes he looked has good as Daniel does in those short swim trunks. Who wouldn't want to be rescued by him???

Christian Bale - I've had a crush on him ever since Newsies, watching him sing and dance. Then there was Little Women, where he played an adorable Laurie. And now of course Batman. He's got killer arms, and he's a pretty dang fine actor. I'll even forgive him the weird Batman voice. I think I have a thing for superheros.

Will Smith - Also very nice to look when he's not wearing a shirt. But he also just seems genuinely nice, like if I actually knew him he'd be the sort of person I'd go to for advice. I think he'd give good advice, and he seems like he has an awesome sense of humor.

Zac Efron - Some may disagree with me, but come on, he's just dang cute. He sings and dances, has a great smile and lovely eyes, and has a great sense of fashion. He's also my birthday soul mate, i.e. we share the same birthday - although he is five years younger than me. He'd make a great prom date.

Hope you enjoyed my list; I enjoyed making it. Feel free to add to the list in the comment section. I want to know who your favorite Hollywood hotties are too!


kathryn said...

One of these things is not like the other.
One of these things just isn't the same...

Seriously, Zac Efron? Seriously? I share the whole Hugh Jackman and Daniel Craig thing. I can even get behind Will Smith and Christian Bale. But Zac Efron?


Corinna said...

I never said you had to agree with me. And what gives you the right to mock my choice of males, huh? I considered putting Dr. McSteamy, but then I thought, "Who would Kathryn disapprove of?" And hence, Zac Efron was put on the list.

kathryn said...

You never said I couldn't vocalize my disagreement either. So what? You have one poor choice for a crush. I still love you.

luminousbeam said...

So I saw the preview for that movie w/Zac Efron coming out called "17 again", or something, and Zac is hot!!! Too bad he's so young lol

Kate said...

I totally was thinking about doing a post like this one. Dang! You have great taste. I've had my eyes on Hugh since 'Kate and Leopold'. Have you seen him in the musical 'Oklahoma'? Oh man!
Have you seen Zac Efron in Hairspray? I have to admit....he's a cutie and he hooks up with the short,pleasantly plump girl. There's hope for me yet. ;) (bytheway, this is me..katie marie. I didn't know that I could comment here with my google account. In case you were wondering which katie was commenting. I had to identify myself on my sister-in-laws blog as well since she knows like 4 Katie's) :)