Friday, May 21, 2010

A conversation with my manager

Manager Yang: They come to put in air con in your house tomorrow.
Me: Okay, what time?
Manager Yang: 1:00 p.m.
Me: So I need to be there at 1:00? Will I be late for work?
Manager Yang: No, Mr. Kim will come to help. You know Mr. Kim?
Me: Uh... (note: 80% of the Korean population has the last names of Kim, Lee, or Park - I wasn't quite sure who he was talking about)
Manager Yang: Mr. Kim, you know, the ugly one.
Me (laughing): Right, okay thanks.


celeste'sblog said...

Oh man that's funny. Sounds like the way I would describe someone. Miss you!!!

Kate said...

That's too funny! Ha! What fun memories you're making. ;)

EBC said...

смешно даже очень смешнов даже не могу останивить смеяться.

Brenda said...

How funny! Hey at least you get air conditioning! Keep loving Korea!