Thursday, October 9, 2008

It's a tragedy - I swear it is

On my last post, two days ago, I complained that utter boredom is involved with my job. But the one thing that helped get me through the day was checking my facebook every now and then (or a lot really, but who's counting). I played WordTwist and Scramble, wrote on my friends wall, etc. These activities helped to keep me sane. But now, I'm afraid that I will go insane. Why? Because the lovely IT guys at my work blocked facebook! They have also blocked myspace and youtube. What is this world coming to? I thought America was all about freedom, but now I'm not even free to check my facebook. They're all communists, I tell you - red commies.

Ok, so I'm being a bit dramatic. But I find it really lame that they had to go and do that. I know that they want us to work, be efficient, and get things done but we need breaks every once in awhile. If we just sat at our desk for 8 straight hours with no reprieve, our productivity would go down the drain. And even though I checked facebook and even got on youtube sometimes, that doesn't mean I wasn't getting my job done. I'm a good employee dang it, but now I'm being punished. Geez oh pete!

Thankfully they haven't blocked email yet, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they don't. But just so you all know, if I seem a little off my rocker, you can blame it on the company I work for. I know I will.


LB said...

I mourn with you and commisserate with you in your loss. And I am in no way being sarcastic! My condolences...seriously.

luminousbeam said...

:( i can live w/o facebook and myspace...but i cannot live w/o meebo or gmail, in which i can log onto aim. i will die the day that is blocked...die i tell you!