Wednesday, December 15, 2010

It still makes me laugh

I had the following conversation with one of my male Korean coworkers -

Me: Hey Son Ho, have you found a place where we can play basketball?
Son Ho: Not yet, but I'm looking.
Me: Really? Because I asked you like a week ago.
Son Ho: I'm looking I promise. Don't worry.
Me: I don't believe you.
Son Ho: You SPICY woman!
Me (doubled over in laughter): Did you just call me spicy?
Son Ho: Yes, all you American women are spicy and scary.
Me: Am I scary?
Son Ho: No, you're cute.

I'm still not sure what to make of this conversation. It's the first time anyone's ever called me spicy. I'm going to take it as a compliment...


kathryn said...

You're totally spicy! Unfortunately, I think I might fall into his scary American women category.

Genny said...

you SPICY woman!!! hahahhahahahha. love it. I'll be passing my your homeland this Christmas break. Sad that you won't be there :(((((