Monday, July 6, 2009

Things that annoy me

I was sitting in my bedroom, hanging out with my super cool roommate Lisa, complaining about the fact that I never know what to blog about. Then I was surfing around on Facebook, and saw that my friend was engaged. Naturally, I wanted to see a picture of his fiance, but her profile picture is of her engagement ring - not of her beautiful face. (Actually, I don't know if it's beautiful because I couldn't see it, but I'm taking my friend's word here.) So that got me thinking about things that annoy me. And so starts the list:

1. When people put their engagement ring as their profile picture. I want to see you, not your ring, your hand, your foot, or any other body part that doesn't show your face. I don't think it shows how clever you are, it's just annoying. If you want to post those pictures, that's what the albums tab is for.

2. When people throw garbage in the recycling bin, or recycling in the garbage can (this bugs Lisa too), especially when they're right next to each other. Take a little time, people, take a little time.

3. When people feel the need to add filler words throughout their sentences such as; you know, and such, um, uh, does that make sense, etc. If you don't have a complete thought stop for a moment and form it. It will make you sound much more intelligent.

4. Traffic and stupid drivers. Enough said. (Don't worry, I'm a perfect driver ;)

5. Messy and unorganized clothing stores. I guess I'm particularly anal about this because I used to work at a Ralph Lauren store and spent hours folding shirts and pants, and straightening hangers on racks. Every time I walk into the Old Navy where I live I'm frustrated with the disaster of it. What exactly do the employees do?

I could go on, but I'll limit myself to five for the time being. Just a little food for thought, and venting for my sanity's sake.

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