Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Things we take for granted

I have been having this thought a lot lately - that we take a lot of things for granted in our lives. I've specifically been thinking about how when we're from an area, we don't take advantage of the sights and activities that surround us. For instance, I'm from Northern California and have never been to Yosemite National Park. What's up with that? It's like a five hour drive, but I never got in my car and just went. It's a shame really, and one I'm hoping to rectify soon.

Living in the DC area for the past two years has given me ample opportunity to learn about our nation's history, explore interesting sights, and participate in fun activities. And trust me, I have taken advantage of it. I have done and seen tons of stuff here. But it always surprises me when I talk with co-workers who are from the area and they have never gone to certain places or participated in certain activities. It shocks me - but then I realize that I'm guilty of the same thing. For example, I have a friend that has lived in the DC area since he was eight, but he's never gone to any of the Smithsonian Museums. There are a ton of them and they are free! FREE! I was astounded. So the lesson here: take advantage of what surrounds you. I don't want to be preachy, but it's just a thought.

And speaking of not taking things for granted - I'm not taking for granted the fact that I saw the Nationals win a baseball game on Saturday night. And not just win, but clobber their opponents. The Nats creamed the Mets, 7 to 1. John Lannen, the Nats pitcher, was on fire and the game only lasted two hours - a rare feat for major league baseball. And the Nats had like four home runs. It was a fun game to watch. Go Nats!

1 comment:

Nancy Roche said...

I think you are right. I think many people, especially permanent residents, just assume these sights will always be there, or they want to avoid association with tourists.
Or unlike tourists, they have to go to work every day and when they vacation, it's somewhere else.