Sunday, May 6, 2012


I went to Greece with some amazing friends and it was pretty much awesome. Especially the food and motorcycle cops - the scenery wasn't too shabby either. Here, enjoy some pictures.

Me and Celeste at the Acropolis

Me in front of the Temple of Zeus

Beautiful Santorini

Sunset on Santorini

Me and Katelyn on the island of Hydra

The Temple of Poseidon

Chilling by the Agean Sea

Striking a pose at Delphi

At the monasteries of Meteora

Amazing monasteries built on top of cliffs.


Genny said...

BEAUTIFUL! Hurray for adventures! :)

celeste'sblog said...

Boooo. You got to go to Greece?!?! And you didn't take me?!?! I'm kidding. But seriously? Monastery on top of a cliff? How cool is that?!