Thursday, September 3, 2009


So being in Colorado has made me discover things I dearly missed.  My sister-in-law has a lovely baby grand piano, and I've been playing every day.  I haven't played in two years, and I forgot how much I like it - even though I get super frustrated sometimes when I can't find the right notes. But it's still great, and it helps that she teaches piano lessons and has a ton of music.

Playing all kinds of sports.  In Virginia I played basketball but not much else.  Here I've been playing golf (I know shocking, but fun), and softball.  I haven't played softball in so long, and I actually got hit in the face with a ball because I wasn't catching right, but I only bled for a little while and then went back out on the field.  Major fun.  We also have some tennis courts near my brother's house, so I'll have to convince him to be patient and go play with me.  I'm really no good at tennis.

Reading for fun.  Being in grad school the past two years didn't offer me tons of time to read for pleasure.  Since being here for a month I've read five books already and I'm still going.  It helps that there isn't TV or Internet at my brother's place, so I have lots of time to read.  But I'm enjoying it.    

1 comment:

Nancy Roche said...

It sounds idyllic. I love having time like that. I'm happy for you.