Sunday, September 7, 2008

Dance Halls and Diners

Dancing equals life - a least in my book. And it had been far too long since I had been dancing, but not anymore. Saturday night I went with some friends, namely Celeste, Kevin, Valerie, and DC Kevin (with two Kevins you must distinguish), out to the Clarendon Ballroom - in which, ironically, they don't ballroom dance. But it was a fun club. We showed our ID, we payed our cover, and then we danced. There was a live band playing called Kristen and the Noise and they were good. Played mostly punk and rock, one country song, and even a Prince song. Now how can you beat Purple Rain? I had lot of fun singing along, rocking out, attempting to head bang, and just being crazy.

The club closed at 1:3o, so we headed over to the Silver Diner across the street. It's a great 50's themed diner, complete with little jukeboxes on each table. Gotta love eating at two in the morning, and the vanilla malt I had was oh so yummy. By the time we ate, walked back to DC Kevin's apartment, tried to find our way out of the parking garage (hey, it was confusing), and drove home, it was 3:45 a.m. I haven't had such a late night, or should I say early morning, in I don't know how long. It just goes to show the lack of excitement in my life. I had to take a nap after church to recover. My 25-year-old body couldn't take it - I know, I'm pathetic.

But there are planned evenings of dance in the future. Gotta keep rockin'!

1 comment:

celeste'sblog said...

I don't think you gave enough credit to the parking garage. You should have mentioned that it kept us in there for about 10 minutes, going round and round in circles, passing the exit-was it only once, or possibly twice.